Friday, June 19, 2015

Is Marches For Racial Equality A Hustle?

Writer Brad Bathgate offers a thought on leaders calling for marches.
When you hear Black leaders talking about wanting to March to Washington, D.C. to address racial issues in America, they are either delusional or they are hustling you.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Talking Black! Activist Oskar Castro On Rachel Dolezal's "Tran-Race"

Oskar Castro is a poet and activist and father that lives in Philadelphia.
Editorial : Can Black People Transfer Race?
When marginalized Black folk can suddenly decide that today they will enjoy ALL the benefits of White privilege and nobody opts to care let alone shoot up their holy space, THEN will race be fluid. Race is a social construction that works for oppression, no doubt, but until White folk give up their hatred and privilege absolutely, it must factor into a socio-political-economic analysis.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

One Mother Leads her family Into A New but Important Tradition

Editorial  From Miss Nikki Banks
Yesterday I was telling my oldest two children about Juneteenth and why we will be celebrating that day instead of 4th of July from here on out (blacks were still slaves in America when America gained independence from the British)... My son asked why he can't go to a school that teaches real history and I told him if there are any I don't know of them but that's what he has me for, to correct the false teachings of American public schools... So with that being said, I'll be having a BBQ on Friday to celebrate the "freedom" of Blacks in America... Family and friends, you're invited to join in the celebration...

Editor's Note: Thank You Miss Banks. We encourage other parents to help fulfill  their children's education.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Vanessa Jordan From The National R&B Society
Responds To Kanye's Reaction at The Grammy's and The Reaction to The Reaction!
I am not a Kanye West fan, nor do I agree with interrupting an honoree's moment. With that said, I shouldn't be, but I am amazed by some, that seem to be having an emotional reaction to his minor breech of protocol. It is one thing to say, he was disrespectful, it was tasteless, I don't like him etc., but the derogatory things that are being said like... a$$ wipe, a piece of S%!t, he's scum, he should catch a disease and die etc. is crazy. Why the meltdown? Protocol is broken everyday in congress, people yell out and interrupt the President while he is speaking and/or being honored. It would be nice to see President Barack Obama defended with that same passion when he, HIS TITLE and FAMILY are being disrespected everyday. For the record, Kanye has every right to say how he feels about who won or didn't win a Grammy and/or question the process.
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Mighty Hip...The Future Of The Funk...

How Mighty Hip Is Giving Artists and A&R
What They Really Need!
I guess you can say I am an entertainment industry vet.
I remember life looking for talent before the internet.
I would travel in the cold to Philly, DC, NY to try and find great new talent. In my wait to find great new talent I would find a lot of people that had the nerve to get on stage and drive and many were very nice, but not a lot had great talent.
I am soooooo glad that the internet has come.
In recent years I have been able to find talent and contact them and get them on my radio show and directly to the ears of my listeners all with in a few days.
Now thanks to the good people at
The process of finding talented singers, poets, musicians, comedians and artists of all kinds has just gotten even easier.

The great news is that Mighty Hip is not just asking you to post your music/sound they are investing in the top artists by taking them on tour for PAID PERFORMANCES!


Go to Mighty Hip.Com and download the ap, register and you can share one minute clips.

People like myself will know if we can help you in any way in less time than a minute. So it's a win win for the artists and the producers/A&R and entertainment professionals and veterans.
Here's Where The News Gets Better.

Starting in January I will be profiling and interviewing MY Favorite Artists from MIGHTY HIP on FM 91.7 WLFR.

So whether you've been a part of my radio shows or other show on broadcast or internet radio?
Or if you are just starting out?

MIGHTY HIP.COM is the best way to get enough of your music out to the people that want to hear it.

Votes Count
Once you are comfortable with the process, get your fans on the site to vote for your music.

The top vote getters get to tour.

The Music Revolution Is Here....

Get On Board or Get Out Of The Way!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Just An Opinion: Our Girls Are Gone Part One

Our Girls Are…Gone Part One By Raymond Tyler

In recent weeks I have been on the sidelines while all kinds of things have been going on in social media that I wanted to address. I wanted to address them…didn’t address them.
The number one reason is because in 2014 if some one says “Mustard and ketchup are different” the people that believe mustard and ketchup are he same thing will argue and fuss and throw tantrums till someone’s head explodes. Meanwhile, neither side is really listening, except for an opportunity to call the person on the opposing side an “idiot” or some other negative word.

First of all, it is truly stupid in my humble opinion to argue with someone that has a closed mind.

Second, it’s even dumber to approach an opposing idea with a closed mind…there are people who would have wanted you burned at the stake for saying “the world is round.”

Third, the dumbest is the person that dismisses an opposing argument with “you’re an idiot.” I have seen so many issues when examined with a rational and thoughful mind that have more than one right way to look at them. (Hey for years there was NO evidence that The World WAS Round.)
I don’t know what happened to “agree to disagree” and move on but I clearly missed the funeral.
With that said…

I was enjoying my version of “The Sunday Paper”…CBS’s Sunday Morning and while going over the headlines Charles Osgood announced that the leader of Boko Haram said in effect that the over 200 school girls he kidnapped where married off and would never see their familes again.
While I love Sunday Morning, Osgood read it like he was reading the football scores from Saturday’s College Football.

After I composed myself I thought about everything that has been assaulting me in the news from women being kidnapped on the streets on camera to the woman who walked around New York with a camera for 10 hours to make a 10 minutes video proving “street harassment” is a problem.
So I knew I would have to sit down and write this editorial and again place words that people do not want to hear in front of them. The bad news is that I know for people that have closed minds and won’t change, they are most likely to accuse me of everything from “hating women” to being “an abuser” of some kind. I will address that in a moment.

The good news is…that if I’m right…. maybe someone with an open mind will read something that help’s them and help’s the women we love stay safe.

More good news is that I will read and consider every opinion of disagreement and evaluate it from a LOGICAL stand point. The emotional and the ridiculous will be treated as such.


I love women. I have a mother that I love and care about. I have a beautiful intelligent niece. These are the first two people I wanted to hug and thought about after hearing about the marriages and enslavement (rape) of the 200 school girls in Africa. I cannot imagine what I would do. I love my niece and because I love her and I know the world we live in… she has rules. Not because I do not love, not because I think she’s inferior. The opposite is true she’s a lot smarter than I was at her age. My niece has rules and the rules sometimes are less a reflection on her as it is a result of the world we live in. From eating vegetables to not playing in traffic to holding my hand when we are in a store, these rules are meant to try our best to keep her safe. Likewise there are things I ask my mother to do that seem like common sense to me. For example with the holidays coming up we ask Mom to try and do big ticket shopping with either myself of my brother, because we do not want her hit in the head and robbed or worse. Again we realize my mother is not at fault for wanting to go shopping alone…however…being from Atlantic City …my mother also knows that people watch and look for the opportunity to take advantage of weaker people. Again this is an indictment of the world not my mother. I love women…all women.

If you take nothing else from this article…please.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Just an Opinion: Raven Symone NOT BLACK ENOUGH FOR YOU...?

Here are my thoughts on Miss Symone.

1. She has been in the public eye since before she could remember.
She IS most likely tired of both labels and the spotlight but still enjoys working as an actress.

2. I blame parents for not just Ms. Symone's dis connect but many children and now young adults I come across. Their parents did not define and share what it means to be Black.
There were no sharing of Roots and Malcolm X that now we have adults that believe the struggle is not having an iPhone 6.

3. When you do not have parents that have defined being Black.
The media has no problem defining Black as crude hip hop videos, crime on the news and the real housewife shows.

If those are how you see Black as opposed to Maya, Coretta, Ossie?
Then I would not honestly run to call myself Black either.

4. I believe in time Ms. Symone will realize that over all the problem is an America thing and not a Black Thing.

5. This IS America...and she has every RIGHT to not want to be Black. And not wanting to be Black IS Part of The Black Experience as well...


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